The team behind “Euskara Jendea”
Euskara Jendea is a collective work of Adur Larrea Eguren, Xamar, Lutxo Egia del Rio, Mikel Arredondo Bilbao, Lon Fernandez and Hibai Castro Egia.
Voice-over: Maria Uriarte
Hibai Castro Egia
He likes intertwining stories that filter through the eyes and ears. He has suffered and, especially, enjoyed the whole process of Euskara Jendea. He has been immersed, among other tasks, in performing the series.
Mikel Arredondo Bilbao
He deals with the management of the cultural association Mendebalde Ibaizabal and the production of Euskara Jendea. In the documentary series, in addition to worrying that everything is in its place, when and how it should be, he has also worked in other duties.
Adur Larrea Eguren
Cartoonist. Apart from that, he works for audiovisual productions. In Euskara Jendea documentary series he has principally dedicated himself to post-production and graphic design.
Lutxo Egia del Rio
Writer. In those documentaries he has been in charge of scripts and other many duties. He is the author of several narrative books: Txakur ingelesak (Susa), Zubigilea (Susa), Paperezko Hegazkinak (Susa), Ezker hanka falta zuen (Susa), Metaformosis en el noveno asalto (Consonni)…
Teacher. He has mainly dealt with choosing the contents of the series and translating them into the scripts. He is the author of popular historical and linguistic books: Orhipean, gure Herria ezagutzen (Pamiela), Orekan Herri eta Hizkuntzen ekologiaz (Pamiela), Euskara Jendea, gure hizkuntzaren historia, gure historiaren hizkuntza (Pamiela).
Lon Fernandez Zabala
Audio technician at the Kafe Antzokia and Bilbo Hiria radio-station from Bilbao, and, besides, father. In Euskara Jendea documentary series he has worked basically in sound recording and sound editing.
Maria Uriarte Artamendi
Teacher of blind students and visually disabled. Voice in Etxegiroan audio-literature on-line production.